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What are Upheal’s obligations under the BAA?
Aviva Glassman avatar
Written by Aviva Glassman
Updated over 3 months ago

As a Business Associate under HIPAA, Upheal enters into a BAA with each therapist who uses the platform. Under the terms of the BAA, Upheal agrees to:

  • Only use and disclose personal health information (PHI) as permitted by the BAA or as required by law

  • Use security safeguards to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of PHI

  • Report any unauthorized use or disclosure of PHI to the Covered Entity

  • Ensure that Upheal’s own subcontractors follow the same restrictions and conditions regarding the creation, receipt, maintenance, or transmission of PHI

  • Provide and update PHI when necessary and maintain records of disclosures, which should be made available to the Covered Entity

  • Allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to review its practices and records for HIPAA compliance

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