Open your Owl Practice app, click Settings in the left hand menu, and select Services and Fees.
Select the existing treatment and click on Edit or create a New Service.
Change Bookable as Video to Not a Video Session.
We recommend adding information to the Service Name, so that it's clear that this is still an online session (e.g. "60-Minute Video Counselling").
Click Save Service.
Go to Settings and then to Notifications.
In the first Reminders tab, find the Client Reminders section. Delete the existing content of the email and replace it with the following:
Just a reminder, our next session will take place on _APT-START-DATE_ at _APT-START-TIME_ _TIMEZONE_.
At the time of the session, use <a href="XXX">this link</a> to join the video session.
Looking forward to next time,
_CLINIC-NAME_Open the Upheal app, click on your name in the top right hand corner, and select Account Settings.
Navigate to the Uphealer link tab and copy it to the clipboard.
Go back to the tab with Owl Practice and replace the XXX with the Uphealer link you copied before. Click on Save.
Repeat the same steps in the Circle of Care Reminders section, if you are using this feature.
Navigate to the second Confirmation tab and as before, replace the content of the email message with the following:
Your appointment at _CLINIC-NAME_ on _APT-START-DATE_ at _APT-START-TIME_ _TIMEZONE_ has been _ACTION_.
At the time of the session, use <a href="XXX">this link</a> to join the video session.
Looking forward to next time,
_CLINIC-NAME_Then again, replace the XXX with the Uphealer link you copied before. Click on Save.
From now on, every meeting your client booked through Owl Practice will contain your Uphealer video-calling link π.
At the time of the session, go to the Upheal dashboard, click on the Client you have a session with, and then click on the button New Session in the top bar.
Important: Before your first call with a new client, don't forget to create their profile first. Here's how.