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Session analytics

Our metrics and where to find them

Aviva Glassman avatar
Written by Aviva Glassman
Updated over a month ago

Our goal is to help healing professionals gather valuable information and insights. That's why our team of NLP, psychotherapy, and coaching experts has developed a way to measure important speech-based metrics using the session transcript.

You can use the analytics section to see your session's talking ratio, speech cadence, sentiment, and tense, at-a-glance.

Currently, analytics are available for sessions held in English with individual clients.

The session analytics section

  1. When you're in a client profile or session, you should see a tab called analytics.

  2. Click on it to reveal talking ratio, speech cadence, sentiment and tense.

Talking ratio

Compare how much of the session you spoke for versus the client.

Speech cadence

See your average session cadence against your client's.


The positive versus negative sentiment in your client's language.


The % of the client's language that was future or past-tense based.

Tip: For detailed definitions read Upheal's session map where we explain how to interpret these metrics over the course of your session.

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