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Reassigning transcript speakers
Aviva Glassman avatar
Written by Aviva Glassman
Updated over a week ago

If speakers aren't assigned correctly in your session transcript, you can change the speaker assignments and even split or merge statements.

(If there are just a few minor inaccuracies in the transcript, don't worry, it won't have much of an effect on your note.)

Changing speakers

  1. Go to the Transcript tab.

  2. Click on the three-dot icon.

  3. Click Reassign speakers to start the transcript editor.

  4. To change the speaker of a statement, click the speaker's name beside the statement.

  5. You can switch all the statements between two speakers, or reassign a single statement. (This is extra helpful for couples sessions!)

    Change the speaker of this statement only:

    Switch everything this speaker said with a different speaker:

  6. When you're finished, click Update to save your changes.

If you want to cancel all of your changes, clicking Reset discards all of your edits and returns the transcript to its original state.

Splitting and merging statements

Sometimes, only part of a statement is incorrectly assigned. In that case, you can split up statements and merge them back together as needed.

Splitting statements

  1. In the transcript editor, hover over the statement you want to spilt.

  2. Click Split. The statement separates into two.

  3. Select the correct speaker for the new statement.

Merging statements

  1. In the transcript editor, hover over the statement you want to merge with another.

    You'll see a plus tab on the top and bottom of the statement.

  2. To merge the statement with the one above or below it, click on the plus.

    By default, the new merged statement's speaker will be the speaker from the topmost statement, but you can always change it.

  3. Remember to click Update when you're finished.

Generating a new note after changes

Once you click Update, you'll be asked if you'd like to generate a new note. This is because the notes won't update automatically, so your current note won't reflect the the changes you've made to the transcript.

If you've already edited the current note, edits will be lost when you generate a new note.

  • To get a new, updated note, click Generate new note.

  • To keep the current note and save your transcript changes, click Skip & save transcript.

  • To go back and make more changes to the transcript, click Back.

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