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Dictating and writing observations to get full notes

Write or dictate brief observations from your session, and get structured notes

Aviva Glassman avatar
Written by Aviva Glassman
Updated this week

You can type and/or dictate observations or a brief description a session, and Upheal will generate complete, structured notes. This is an ideal option if you don't want to capture session audio, or if you have old documentation to catch up on.

This feature is in beta, which means that we're still working to make it the best it can be. Please bear with us while we polish it up!

Watch our instructional video, or read on.

Turning observations into full notes

  1. From the menu, click New session, then click Write/dictate.

    Or, from a client's page, click Write/dictate.

  2. Choose a client, or make it an anonymous note.

    Optionally, choose a therapeutic approach.

    Choose a note template.

  3. Type and/or dictate your summary. Remember to include details to cover each section of the note type you're using.

    Dictating a session summary:

    To record your speech, click Dictate.

    Your speech is recorded and transcribed. Once you stop dictating, you'll see the transcription in the Session summary box. Dictating won't overwrite anything you've already typed.

    When you're finished speaking, click Stop.

    You can start and stop dictation again as needed without losing what you've already dictated, and edit the transcript of your speech by typing.

    Or, skip speaking and type your whole session overview in the Session summary text box.

  4. When you're finished, click Generate note.

  5. In a few moments, your note will be ready. You can edit the note as usual.

Adding details to a note made from a summary

You can add details and generate a new note from your written summary any time.

  1. On the session page, on the left side, type or dictate the additional details.

  2. Optionally, choose a different therapeutic approach.

  3. Click Update. This saves your new summary, but it doesn't update your note.

  4. To get an updated note, click the three-dot icon near the top of the note, and click Regenerate note.

  5. To confirm, click Regenerate.

    After a few minutes of processing, you'll get a new note.

Do I need client consent to get notes from dictated or written summaries?

Great question! Please see this article.

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