This article only applies to sessions held on Upheal's own video calling platform.
Firstly, we apologize for any disruption to your sessions! If your client is hearing an echo, it means that your microphone is picking up the audio coming out of your own computer's speakers.
Note: If you're the one hearing echo, you're not the one causing it. In that case, you can suggest these tips to your client.
Tips for fixing an echo
Reduce background noise: This feature should help filter out sounds that aren't your voice. During the call , click the arrow next to the microphone on the toolbar, then switch on Reduce my background noise.
βWear headphones: If you wear headphones, then no sound will come out of your computer's speakers, eliminating the possibility of an echo.
βAdjust the volume: If you're not able to wear headphones, another option is to lower the volume on your speakers. If your speakers are quieter, the microphone will pick up less audio from the speakers, helping to mitigate the echo.
Relocate your microphone: If you use an external microphone, you can try moving it further away from your speakers. This, in combination with lowering the volume, can help minimize the echo.
Try Google Chrome instead of Safari: From our experience, Chrome is best at preventing an echo automatically.
We hope these tips help you create an echo-free environment for your sessions!