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Using Upheal’s Zoom app
Using Upheal’s Zoom app
Aviva Glassman avatar
Written by Aviva Glassman
Updated today


  • Upheal's Zoom app (our third-party extension) is only available for paid Zoom accounts.

  • As a healing professional, you must use the Zoom desktop app on Windows or Mac to run Upheal’s Zoom app. (Your clients are free to use the Zoom desktop app, in-browser app, or mobile app.)

  • Currently, Upheal’s Zoom app only supports calls with one client at a time.

  • Zoom cloud recording is HIPAA-compliant as long as you have a HIPAA-compliant Zoom account. Upheal's Zoom app itself follows strict privacy requirements and is HIPPA compliant like the main Upheal app. Read more on our Privacy page.

On Windows computers, you can also use virtual session capture to capture Zoom calls and get your notes faster.

Holding a session with Upheal's Zoom app

  1. Before using the app, please ensure that cloud recording is enabled on your Zoom account.

  2. Begin a new Zoom meeting as usual.

  3. During the call, in the bottom toolbar, click on Apps. This opens the Apps menu on the right side.

  4. Select Upheal’s Zoom app.

  5. If you are logged in to your Upheal account, you'll see a list of clients. If you don’t see your client list, log in with your Upheal account details.

  6. Select the client you have the meeting with.

    If your client did not provide consent before the call, you’ll have the opportunity to obtain consent now by clicking Send consent email, or to confirm that you already have client consent by clicking I have consent for session processing. Without consent, the session can’t proceed.

  7. To activate Upheal’s features, including session notes, insights, and a helpful summary, click on Activate assistant.

  8. Zoom will ask if you want to record this meeting. Click Continue.

  9. Hold the session as you normally would. If you want to pause the recording for a while, click on Pause assistant.

  10. To end the session, click on End in the Zoom toolbar as usual.

  11. When you end the session, the recording stops. Zoom then needs time to process the recording, which might take around 30 to 60 minutes. You can still hold a new session while your previous session processes.

  12. When Zoom finishes processing the recording, Upheal downloads the recording and begins its own processing, which usually takes around 5 minutes.

    Note: When you use the Zoom integration, the session is timestamped when Upheal receives the recording from Zoom, so it could be later than the actual time of the session. You can adjust it manually in the session's settings.


Zoom cloud storage

We highly recommend setting your Zoom cloud to auto-delete recordings – here’s a guide. This prevents your Zoom cloud storage from getting too full, and it keeps your clients’ information even safer by clearing out sensitive data that you no longer need.

If you receive an email saying that your Zoom cloud storage is full, follow this guide for deleting recordings from your Zoom account.

Switching clients during a Zoom call

If you want to keep using the same Zoom link throughout the day, you can switch clients without ending the Zoom call. When you’re ready to switch clients:

  1. Click on Pause assistant, then click on the back arrow.

  2. When asked to confirm if you want to stop the cloud recording, click on Stop recording.

  3. Now, you can switch to a new client and start new recordings.

Please be aware that if you hold sessions with multiple clients during a single Zoom call, Zoom will start processing all of the recordings only after the call has ended. Processing several recordings at once could take much longer than processing one session at a time.


You do not need to press Zoom’s Record button when using Upheal’s Zoom app because recording starts automatically when you activate the Upheal assistant. If you start recording with Zoom, you’ll have to stop the recording in order activate the Upheal assistant. If you accidentally record part of your session in Zoom while the Upheal assistant is inactive, you can still upload the recording to Upheal manually.

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