You can hold your sessions in person and still get all the benefits of Upheal’s notes and insights.
Upheal lets you capture live session audio using a computer, phone, or tablet, and the recording is uploaded directly to Upheal and then deleted after processing (unless you choose to keep it).
If you use an iPhone or iPad, you can also capture in-person sessions seamlessly with the Upheal Recorder app for iOS.
Before recording session audio
Before you record a real session, we recommend testing your recording setup and changing the settings on your recording device. This helps prevent technical issues and interruptions.
Test your setup
Test your setup
Devices and spaces vary, so test your recording setup:
Place your computer or phone where you’d like it to be during the session.
Run any recording program or app on your device, such as Voice Memos to test your recording setup. *When using Upheal, you don’t have to run any separate recording programs.
From the seat you’ll be in during sessions, speak as naturally as you can for a few moments. Do the same from the seat your clients will be in. Then, play back the audio. If the audio playback is easy to hear and understand, that should be a good place to put your recording device. If not, try moving the recording computer or phone to a different location and trying again.
Change your recording device settings
Change your recording device settings
If you’re recording on a computer:
Mute the computer’s speakers (not the microphone).
Turn off any auto-sleep or auto-hibernate features. Recording will stop if the computer sleeps.
If you’re recording on a phone:
Set your phone so that it won't lock or sleep. Recording stops if your phone locks.
Turn off all sounds and vibrations.
Put the phone in Do Not Disturb mode.
Read our tips and troubleshooting page for more.
Capturing a session
We recommend starting the audio recorder shortly before the session to avoid interruptions or distractions during your session.
From the menu, click New session, then click In-person.
Or, from your client's page, click In-person.
If you started from the menu, choose a client, or hold an anonymous session.
When you're ready to start the session, click Start recording.
You can make sure sound is being captured by looking at the monitor bar. If the bar is flat, click Session settings, and make sure the correct microphone is selected there.
When you’re finished, click Pause, then click End session.
Confirm the session details, and click Upload for processing.
The recording uploads to Upheal, which takes just a few minutes, and depends on the length of the session and the speed of your internet connection.
We do not store session recordings after successful processing unless you choose to keep them in the session settings.
When processing is finished, you’ll be able to access your session notes and insights.
Session capture tips
Setting session end reminders
You can set reminders to make a sound, or to automatically end session recording, after a set period of time.
On the recording screen, switch on Session end reminder.
Choose which reminders you want, and set a time period.
Storing session recordings
If you would like to store the session recording:
Click Session settings at the bottom of the screen.
Switch on Keep the recording after processing.
You can switch off that option any time during the session, or when reviewing session details after ending the session.
Deleting a session
If you want to delete the session during uploading, click Cancel and delete session. To confirm, click Delete, or to cancel and continue uploading, click Cancel.
Audio capture FAQs
Are both audio and video captured during the session?
Only audio is captured during all sessions.
Is it possible to pause the Upheal assistant (AI notes and insights)?
If there is any part of the session you don’t want to capture, click Pause during the session. (Pausing doesn’t interfere with the analytics - the pause won’t be interpreted as a long silence.) Anything said while the microphone is muted won’t be recorded and won’t appear in your notes. Remember to click Resume when you’d like to keep capturing the dialogue.
Do I need to be connected to the internet during the session?
To load Upheal and start the session, you need to be connected to the internet. If your internet connection is interrupted during recording, the whole session will still be captured. If your internet connection is interrupted during uploading or processing, the processing will resume once you’re connected again.
For help, visit our tips and troubleshooting page.